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Amateur Astronomers help to find a new planet. Is it Nibiru?

New planet discovered 15,000 light years from earth

New planet discovered 15,000 light years from earth Photo from online Astrobiology Magazine

I’ve been discussing the fears that there may be a conspiracy to keep secret the arrival of a new planet called Nibiru that is somehow going to cause the end of the world on December 21, 2012.

NASA Astrobiologist David Morrison says he doesn’t know an astronomer, professional or amateur, who could be made to keep silent about something as exciting as finding a new planet.

For example, two amateur astronomers in New Zealand helped professional astronomers at Ohio State University to discover a new planet far, far away from our solar system. The new planet is 15,000 light years away, which means that it takes light 15,000 years to travel from the new planet to here. As a comparison it takes only 8 minutes for light to travel from our sun to here. Even if this new planet was on its way to earth, it would take it longer than 15,000 years to get here since a planet travels much slower than light.

And because two amateur astronomers in New Zealand helped detect the planet using only their backyard telescopes, the find suggests that anyone can become a planet hunter.

Backyard Astronomers Discover Planet

By the way, this is not the legendary perhaps fictional Nibiru since Nibiru is supposed to be close to or within our solar system.

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Planet Nibiru should be here by now

I love this quote from NASA astrobiologist David Morrison. He is referring to allegations that there is a conspiracy to keep secret from the public that: 1. a rogue planet is heading for earth (since 2003 but strangely, it hasn’t got here yet), 2. This rogue planet has a 3,600 year orbit and was discovered by the ancient Mesopotamians who called it Nibiru, 3. The ancient Maya knew about this planet and associated it with the end of the world in 2012. Evidently many people believe the information is being kept secret from the public. These people believe that Nibiru would be visible with the naked eye in 2009 (and should therefore now in 2012 be really visible with the naked eye but is not) and even before that time, the earth’s axis would be tilting (I assume more than it is tilted presently) causing a change in the length of the day. Morrison’s answer to those to accuse astronomers of keeping this information secret is:

I was introduced to this conspiracy theory in December 2007, when I began to receive questions about Nibiru submitted to NASA’s “Ask an Astrobiologist” Web site. I normally receive about a dozen questions per week from the public dealing mostly with life in the universe, but sometimes they include UFOs and visiting aliens. Nibiru seemed different, since it was claimed to be an actual planet that was being tracked by astronomers but hidden from the public. Knowing that the astronomers of the world, both professional and amateur, are a free-spirited group who couldn’t keep a secret even if ordered to, I assumed that Nibiru was the sort of Internet rumor that would quickly pass.
~ The Myth of Nibiru and the End of the World in 2012

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Chinese Pyramids

Xianyang Pyramid 7 in China. Image from Human are Free website

Xianyang Pyramid 7 in China. Image from Human are Free website

Amazingly, China also has pyramids, such as this amazing one called Xianyang 7. Even though it is covered in vegetation, notice the side at the top of this aerial photo. It buckles in the way the side of the Great Pyramid in Egypt buckles in. I described this phenomenon, illustrated with a diagram and photo, in my book, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt.

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Bosnian pyramids: Hills or man made pyramids?

Viso?ica overlooking Visoko, photo taken in 1973. Wikipedia image.

Viso?ica overlooking Visoko, photo taken in 1973. Pyramid or Hill? Wikipedia image.

According to this Wikipedia article entitled, Bosnian Pyramids,

Scientific investigations of the site show that the so-called pyramids are natural formations and that there are no signs of human building involved.[2][3][4] Additionally, scientists have criticised the Bosnian authorities for supporting the pyramid claim saying, “This scheme is a cruel hoax on an unsuspecting public and has no place in the world of genuine science.” ~ Bosnian Pyramids[5]

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Bosnian Pyramids Video

In January and February of this year (2011), I made a number of posts on the Pyramids in Bosnia. In these posts, I referred to numerous established archaeologists’ assessments that the discovery of a group of pyramids in the small European country of Bosnia where actually a hoax. They say that what appear to be pyramids are actually pyramid-shaped hills.


Today I viewed a number of YouTube videos in which Bosnian Pyramid discoverer Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagic of Bosnia, presently of Houston, Texas, USA, gives a Powerpoint Presentation showing carved stones fitted together to make a terrace and tunnels that definitely look man made. If these are the original stones uncovered from under earth and vegetation, they could not be natural formations. The stones fit together at 90 degree angles and are level. Here’s a link to the third of 4 online videos on the Bosnian Pyramids. The video is over 12 minutes long and took quite a while to load on my computer.

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Are the ancient supercontinents of Gondwana and Pangaea related in any way?

I wondered if Gondwana had anything to do with Pangaea the ancient supercontinent. According to Wikipedia, the supercontinent of Gondwana, which was originally called Gondwanaland, joined with Laurasia to form Pangaea. Gondwana existed from 510 to 180 million years ago.

I’m interested, because I wonder if there is evidence that points to previous lost continents such as Atlantis and Lemuria.

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Gondwana became Australia, Antarctica and India

Jo Wittaker, Sydney University geophysicist says that the fossils of creatures in the sunken parts of Gondwana found off the coast of Australia show that the land was once part of the megacontinent and were not created by undersea volcanic activity. She called it

an exciting discovery which would hopefully shed light on how Gondwana broke into present-day Australia, Antarctica and India between 80 and 130 million years ago.
~ Parts of Gondwana megacontinent found off Australia

Since Australia is considered a remnant of the lost continent of Lemuria Mu, the discovery of these sunken parts of Gondwana could be undersea remnants of Lemuria Mu.

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