I will be speaking about Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt on Saturday, May 2nd, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Location: Lancaster Metaphysical Chapel, 610 – 2nd St., Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Date: Saturday, May 2, 2009
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Registration: 9:30 a.m.
Contact: (717) 399-4733
Here’s more information from the brochure:
“The position as the continent Atlantis occupied, is that as between the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand – and the Mediterranean upon the other.” ~ Edgar Cayce Reading 364-3
“See, most of the people had tails then!” ~ Edgar Cayce Reading 5748-6
What kind of people were these Atlanteans that they had tails? Why did the Atlanteans create a hall of records in Egypt? Have we found it yet? What was the world like when Atlantis was between the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean?
These questions will all be answered and other topics will include:
· The reason the Atlanteans chose Egypt for a colony
· Other lands where the Atlanteans made their colonies
· The different types of Atlanteans
· Who were the “Things?”
· Locations where Cayce said evidence of Atlantis would be found
· Current discoveries in the search for evidence of Atlantis
· How the land of the earth was so different at that time
· Were the Egyptian gods actually Atlanteans?
Does your interest pique whenever you see information on Atlantis? Could you have been an Atlantean? Learn about Edgar Cayce’s past life readings giving characteristic of present-day people who once lived in Atlantis.
Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chapman
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Here’s an excerpt from a blogspot on 2012 that, I believe, comes from Russia or the Ukraine or one of the Slavic countries since many of the links are in Cyrillic Script.
What this means to me is that people in Russia, the Ukraine, or other Slavic countries are thinking about and aware of the 2012 Doomsday Prophecies.
Here’s the cute quote from Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki who appears to be a physics professor at the University of Sydney, Australia.
Australia!!! Wow! This 2012 prophecy stuff really get around!
OK, Here’s Dr. Karl:
“…when a calendar comes to the end of a cycle, it just rolls over into the next cycle. In our Western society, every year 31 December is followed, not by the End of the World, but by 1 January. So in the Mayan calendar will be followed by – or good-ol’ 22 December 2012, with only a few shopping days left to Christmas.” – Excerpt from Dr Karl’s “Great Moments in Science“.
360 degrees review: No Doomsday in 2012
Maybe the blogspot has Cyrillic Script on it because Vladimir Korsakov, the writer of this post, is bilingual in English and Russian or another Cyrillic Script language.
Check it out!
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Here’s a description of one of many intriguing 2012 videos on this blog site.
With the airing of “Nostradamus;2012? on the History Channel 01/04/09, Homey3 gives insight to the prophecies of 2012 and how Nostradamus even prophesied years after 2012 and talks about “God” with introduction to the book: Prophecies with a Divine Answer!!!
2012 Nostradamus | 2012 Survival Blog
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Have you heard of Gobekli Tepe? It was discovered by a shepherd who noticed oblong shaped rocks that appeared to be arranged in a pattern. Excavation started in 1994.
Stonehenge was built 5000 years ago in 3,000 BC and the pyramids of Giza in 2,500 BC. Carbon dating of organic matter adhering to the megaliths of Gobekli Tepe reveal it to be 12,000 years old, meaning it was built around 10,000–9,000 BC.
The MondayMorningMemo© of Roy H. Williams, the Wizard of Ads®
The ruin is older than the start of human settlement, writing, pottery and the wheel.
Who made this ancient ruin? Citizens from Atlantis?
Even stranger than its antiquated date, is the discovery that about 8,000 BC, the inhabitants of Gobekli Tepe purposefully buried all their megalithic rocks. That is the reason the ruins have been overlooked for so long. They looked to most people, including archeologists before the shepherd noticed the regular pattern of the rocks, like hills.
Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chapman
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Since the December 21, 2012 date comes from a translation of Mayan glyphs, I believe it is important to find out what Maya people say about 2012. Here’s an excerpt of a letter from Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men of the Itza tradition in northern Yucatan:
We the Mayans who have not been cultured by the Western
Culture do not agree with all the negative things our sacred
calendars have been involved in.
Mayan Elders Speak about 2012 – Authors of Idiots Guide to 2012
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