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Evening event in Nanaimo, BC: Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Fifth Root Race

On Thursday, April 19th, 70 people gathered at the Unitarian Fellowship Hall in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, to hear Carol Chapman speak about “Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Fifth Root Race.” The Nanaimo Metaphysical Network sponsored the event.

At the by-donation event, Carol shared information on the history of the soul’s connection with the physical on earth. Multiple individuals (Edgar Cayce, Madame Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, the Hopi, Maya, and the Hindus) talk about humans progressing through root races and/or previous worlds. The story of the root races goes beyond reincarnation. During the event, Carol explored this interesting topic and included additional information she received through hypnosis about the root races, for example, why humans suffer, why death is the new thing in our soul’s journey, and what to expect from the fifth root race
Some of the things people liked best about this event are:

“The five-door meditation.”

“The simplicity of this explanation.”

“The topic, the information/knowledge of the speaker.”

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Existence of the Lost City of Atlantis goes against conventional archeology

These are just a couple of paragraphs of a fantastic answer to the question: Do you believe in the lost city of Atlantis? If you’re interested in this topic, I suggest you follow the link and read the whole article. The online name of the author is “Dubbs.” The question was posed on the Yahoo! Answers UK and Ireland website.

With science accepting this as our basis for the premiss of existence, it will interfere many other branches of science. Archeology isn’t about discovering the truth of our past anymore, it’s about upholding the accepted version of what we call prehistoric fact. The history books have already been written, so when somebody comes across an anomalous find that just won’t fit into the accepted data it’s usually refuted, lost and forgotten. There have been numerous archeological finds that challenge what we know about history and it’s never accepted, it would change things.
So when Plato was told about the existence of Atlantis by the Egyptian priests, of course it was refuted. If a technological advanced civilization existed 9000 years ago as he was told, it would raise too many unanswered questions. Timeas and Critias, the two priests that relayed the tale to Plato, told him of an island continent in the Atlantic Ocean, beyond the Pillars of Hercules (Straight of Gebralter), that once waged war against the rest of the world. While attacking Athens a cataclysmic event caused this continent to become swallowed by the ocean. The survivors fled to Egypt and taught the Egyptians how to build the pyramids.

Do you believe in the lost city of Atlantis?


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Could the ancient ‘Lost’ continent Gondwana have sheltered Lemuria Mu?

On November 18 and 21, 2011, I wrote about the megacontinent Gondwana in this blog. In those posts, I wondered if Lemuria Mu could have been a part of Gondwana. Well, in these maps of the earth, posted as illustrations of the U.K. The Telegraph‘s online article ‘Lost” continent Gondwana sheds light on formation of world today,” there does not appear to be any room for the lost continent of Lemuria. All the present-day landmasses of Antarctica, Australia, and India, which today are separated by the Indian Ocean, were at one time scrunched together to form the megacontinent. Although, I must admit, it is difficult to sort out the land masses from the present-day coastlines of continents. What do you think? Can you see a place, in the ancient maps, where a lost continent could have been located?

Graphic shows how Gondwana broke into present-day Australia, Antarctica and India between 80 and 130 million years ago

Graphic shows how Gondwana broke into present-day Australia, Antarctica and India between 80 and 130 million years ago

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Atlantis could have been been matrilineal and matriarchical

According to Atlantis Quest – Uncovering the Secrets that Prove Plato Right, both Native American tribes who live on the West side of the Atlantic Ocean and the Basques who live on the East side of the Atlantic Ocean share the same mitochondrial DNA haplogroup X–giving rise to speculation that they both spring from a common ancestor who lived on a landmass in the Atlantic Ocean, the lost continent of Atlantis.

Interestingly, many Native Americans tribes are often matrilineal (inheritance and descent spring from the female line) and matriarchal (ruled by women).

Could the Native Americans derive their rulership and inheritance traditions from the same place their derived their mitochondrial DNA haplogroup X?

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Was Atlantis ruled by women?

In yesterday’s post, I wrote that I have discovered that the word, Atlantis, means “the Daughter of Atlas.” This is especially interesting to me, because I think read somewhere, perhaps  in Edgar Cayce’s psychic readings of people who had had past lives in Atlantis, that the Atlanteans were a matriarchal society. Do you know anything about this?

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Myths of submerged land off the coast of India lead to speculations of Lemuria

Buried somewhere in the Indian Ocean, in the vast 4,200 mile expanse between Madagascar and Australia, is supposed to be the resting place of  the lost continent of Kumari Kandam, which, according to ancient Tamil literature, some believe is the lost continent of Lemuria.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Tamil nationalists came to identify Kumari Kandam with Lemuria, a hypothetical “lost continent” posited in the 19th century to account for discontinuities in biogeography. In these accounts, Kumari Kandam became the “cradle of civilization”, the origin of human languages in general and the Tamil language in particular.

Kumari Kandam- The Lost Continent

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Is Lemuria inside Mount Shasta?

A MtShastaNews.com article reports that author and historian Bill Miesse spoke about the connection between Mount Shasta in California with the lost continent of Lemuria.

Today, the legend of the lost continent of Lemuria being inside Mt. Shasta is one of the mountain’s most well-known legends, Miesse said. The connection between the two is something he’s been researching in the past months.

Lemuria: Mt. Shasta’s most well-known legend

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Google Maps’ Atlantis disappears!

On March 17, 2010, I wrote a post on this blog saying that Google Maps had supposedly found Atlantis off the coast of Africa, that is, until the Google mappers realized that they mapping boat had actually created the grid that some thought looked like city streets.

Now, improved mapping techniques have eliminated the grid artifacts in recent Google mapping forays over the ocean floor, according to a Mobile Magazine article.

The internet giant, in a drive to clean up, or rather upgrade, its ocean mapping system, has removed from Google Earth the image which was believed to be that of the lost city of Atlantis.

Atlantis Disappears Again! Google Removes ‘Image of Lost City’ In Its 3D Ocean Upgrade


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ABO Blood Type distribution map shows little similarity between east Asian peoples and North American native populations

The world maps of ABO Blood Type distribution in the world on the Contactee Blood Types Study by ICAR website shows the incidence of the A, B, and O blood types in indigenous populations

For example, do you know that the indigenous peoples of Central and South America are entirely Blood Type O? But there are hardly any Type Os in Eastern Asia. Therefore, it does not seem logical than the people of Central and South America could be descended from the those of Eastern Asia who crossed the Bering land bridge during the Ice Ages. Could this mean that, as some mystics and psychics proclaim, that First Nations people on the west coast of North America actually come from Lemuria?

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