This sounds really good:
A new National Geographic Channel documentary, Finding Atlantis, which will be broadcast nationally on Sunday, March 13, at 9 p.m. ET/PT, follows a team of American, Canadian, and Spanish scientists as they employ satellite space photography, ground penetrating radar, underwater archaeology, and historical sleuthing in an effort to find a lost civilization.
Greenberg Center to Screen National Geographic Channel Film
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M Paul Lloyd commented on the Lost City of Atlantis on the Focus, the Official Website to the BBC Focus Magazine, that although Google Earth has made many new discoveries, they did not find Atlantis:
But a Google Earth spokesperson told the Press Association that the shapes were created by boats using sonar to take measurements of the seafloor.
“It’s true that many amazing discoveries have been made in Google Earth including a pristine forest in Mozambique that is home to previously unknown species and the remains of an ancient Roman villa,” the representative said.
“In this case, however, what users are seeing is an artifact of the data collection process.
Japanese marine geologist Masaaki Kimura believes the underwater boulders he has found are evidence of a lost civilization. The stones are unusually smooth, which he believes points to them being man made. In a video interview, he says he also has found stairs and an arch, saying that the underwater ruins he has found point to the ruin of a city similar to an ancient Roman town. With the interest in Lemuria/Mu there is speculation he may have found it.
Click here to connect with the YouTube video that includes underwater footage and an interview with Kimura.
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It’s hard to believe that these hills are NOT pyramids. This Wikipedia photograph of the hill named Visocica overlooks the community of Visoko in Bosnia/Herzegovina.
Wikepedia image of Visocica Hill overlooking Visoko
I was fooled. According to the Wikipedia article Bosnian Pyramids author and metalworker Semir Osmanagi?, who now resides in Houston, Texas, created a media whirl around his belief that under the vegetation there is a man made pyramid.
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Remember the the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun I was so enthusiastic about? It was supposed to be the tallest pyramid on earth, even taller than Egypt’s Great Pyramid. Well, it turns out they are not man made pyramids at all. Instead they are natural formations. According to an online Widipedia article entitled Bosnian Pyramids:
Guess who believed it? Me! Don’t I feel silly now.
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If you’re interested in the how’s of building the Egyptian pyramids, take a look at the online video of Joseph Davidovits explaining, with a PowerPoint presentation, why geologists cannot see that the stones making up the Great Pyramid are made of re-agglomerated stone. Check it out. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the video.
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From Professor Joseph Davidovits’ website:
Davidovits is author of many books, including Why the Pharaohs built the Pyramids with fake stones.
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Doesn’t it look as if this overgrown-with-brush Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon is shaped with buckled-in sides as is the Great Pyramid? In my book, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, I show a photograph I took of the Great Pyramid showing how its sides are buckled in like a lens.
As you can see from the photograph below, which is from Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich’s website, the right side of the pyramid is more brightly lit by the sun than the left side of the pyramid. This could me that the right half is turned to face the sun more than the left side. This indicates that the sides of the pyramid could be slightly buckled in at the centerline as are the sides of the Great Pyramid.
Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, with it’s height of 190 meters second biggest stone structure in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids. Together with the Sun and Dragon pyramids form a perfect equilateral triangle. All pyramids have been covered by soil and vegetation similar to pyramids in Central America and China.
The Bosnian pyramids were discovered by Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich.
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This an amazing photograph showing “carved symbols” … could that be writing? They are supposed to be older than 30,000 years. That puts they during the time of the existence of Atlantis since Plato said Atlantis went down around 9,000 B.C.E. The Bosnian pyramids and the “carved symbols” were discovered by Dr. Sam Semir Osmanogich. Isn’t it amazing!
Megalithic blocks in the underground tunnel network have carved symbols that have been covered by conglomerate material for more than 30.000 years according to the radiocarbon dating.
I wonder how many people viewed this “hill” in Bosnia and thought it was shaped very much like a pyramid but did nothing about it. Or perhaps, because they did not have the assurance of an academic such as Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, they could merely say, “That sure looks like a pyramid. Someone should find out if it is.”
I wonder if it never even occurred to anyone that the three regularly shaped hills were pyramids. In any case, we are fortunate that Dr. Osmanagich investigated these “hills.” Because debris on carvings in tunnels under the pyramids have been radiocarbon dated to before 30,000 years ago, I can’t help wondering if these structures were built by Atlanteans.
Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, the biggest stone structure in the shape of the pyramid on the Planet with the height of 220 meters, Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina