Intriguing Theories on Earth’s Axial Tilt and Atlantis
Here is an abstract previewing a very interesting article theorizing a huge impact off the coast of Antarctic as the cause of the sinking of Atlantis and the tilt of the earth’s axis.
It does remind me of another theory I read about, I think in one of Graham Hancock’s books, that Antarctica is actually Atlantis and that when the earth’s crust moved during a physical pole shift (not magnetic as has happened so many times in the past) that Atlantis ended up at the South Pole and froze over. He gives this explanation for the Piri Reis map showing contours of Antarctica which is presently under a mile-deep ice sheet.
Abstract: Using Google Earth and browsing the geographic appearance of the Earth’s crust starting from the South Pacific Ocean right above Antarctica and traveling over to Drake’s Passage and into the South Atlantic Ocean there seems to be a visual trace that some sort of cosmic collision occurred in that area. (See Figure 1) The impact of the object surfed across the ocean and collided with the bottom of South America where it once connected to Antarctica creating Drake’s Passage opening. This impact also may have had the kinetic energy to break the Earth’s crustal plate and create the fault lines (See Figure 3) in addition to changing Earth’s axial tilt (See Figure 2).[Report and Opinion. 2010;2(2):1-2]. (ISSN: 1553-9873).