Google Maps has found Atlantis off the coast of Ireland!
Weekly World News reports that Google Maps has found Atlantis. In an article entitled, Atlantis found on Google Maps!, J.B. Smitts writes that:
- “The photo taken by Google Maps is most definitely the Lost City of Atlantis,” said Yale Mythologist Anthony Braxwell. “It displays all the trademark characteristics of the legendary metropolis. A shimmering castle, glistening drawbridges made of gold, crystal spires – yep, it’s all there.”
“I’m just surprised it took so long to find,” added Braxwell.
According to sources, the Google Maps satellite was performing a routine scan of the Atlantic Ocean when it came across the strange, previously uncharted Kingdom of Atlantis.
The satellite images, which have been proven accurate to within 1/100th of a millimeter, show the island of Atlantis sitting just 10 miles southwest of Dingle, Ireland, a small township with a population of 300.
“I’ve lived here for 75 years,” said Brian MacElhose, a farmer and lifelong resident of Dingle, “and never noticed that gigantic city floating out there in the ocean. How could I have missed it? Oh well, I guess that’s what Google Maps is for.”

Weekly World News says Atlantis found by Google Maps
All that I can say is that it’s about time someone found something definite that is truly the lost city of Atlantis. There have been so many hopeful and fanciful claims, I am happy to see that not only have Google Maps found Atlantis, but they have provided actual photographs to corroborate their wonderful discovery.
I especially love how the photograph has a misty quality almost as if it is a piece of art. But what else do you expect of such a mystical, magical kingdom as Atlantis. Check out the link for the whole “photo,” which shows Atlantis off the coast of Dingle, Ireland.