Flying dreams can mean astral projection
Another one of my favorite books on dream interpretation is Dreams Your Magic Mirror: With Interpretations of Edgar Cayce by Elsie Sechrist. I love this book.
However, it can sometimes be frustrating finding the information I’m looking for since many of the dream symbols and their dream interpretations are scattered throughout the book. Fortunately, the book has a very good index.
Ms. Sechrist bases her dream interpretations on Edgar Cayce’s psychic readings. Here are the various dream interpretations for flying in a dream:
When I looked back on my flying dream, I realized that the day before I had had a challenging emotional encounter with a loved one. Therefore, I could see how I could have been wanting to rise above a problem.
To purchase Dreams Your Magic Mirror by Elsie Sechrist at Amazon, click on the link which will take you to my Amazon Store. Then click on the “Dreams” link and you’ll see the thumbnail right there.