Chinese New Year in the Edgar Cayce Calendar

I am happy to say that, while designing the pages for the 2010 Edgar Cayce Calendar, I remembered to include the Chinese New Year, which is on February 14 in 2010. It will be the Year of the Tiger!

In 2009, we are presently in the Year of the Ox, a year in which hard work and perseverance will bring results.

Carol Chapman —

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Carol Chapman

CarolChapman is an author and inspirational speaker. She speaks at weekend retreats,day-long events, and half-day programs. Her seminars are not onlyinformative and transformational but also fun and entertaining. They ofteninclude participatory workshops and visual aids, such as videos andphotographs. She specializes in dream interpretation, reincarnation, andAtlantis, and is the author of When WeWere Gods, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, and Have Your Heart’s Desire.

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