
Category Archives for "Yucatan & Mexico"

Carol Chapman conceived and is directing and editing the Yucatan Travel movie, an entertaining documentary with information about traveling in Yucatan, Mexico.

“Hola” from Yucatan

We are on Isla Cozumel, an amazingly sacred spot for the ancient Maya. It is the place where their legendary religious leader Izamna arrived and departed from. He travelled on a serpent boat.

I wonder, was Izamna actually from Atlantis – he came from the East – and was the serpent boat actually travel by flying serpent as I experienced in my memories of Atlantis?

Izamna is the Christ-like personnage for the ancient Maya. He is both a person and also a god.

Carol Chapman

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2012 and Izamna’s Disappearance

As I said earlier, Izamna is the great god of the Maya. Do you know that he was the "bearded one?" Amazingly, in a civilization of beardless men, Izamna had a beard. He evidently came from the East. I wonder, was he from Atlantis?

One of the great mysteries around Izamna, is that he disappeared from one of the Yucatan’s most sacred places, the island of Cozumel.

I wonder, was Izamna’s disappearance in any way associated with 2012? For example, could he have left on a day associated with the Long Count Calendar that is similar to the projected 2012? Each of the Mayan days have a prophesied meaning similar to the way our days are associated with a different planet, i.e. Sunday is the Sun’s Day and can be considered in mythological tradition to be a powerful day.

Somewhere I read that when Izamna left, he was carried away on a serpent boat.  Has anyone else read something like this? Please comment if you have.

Carol Chapman —

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Edgar Cayce Psychic Reading on "Kabul"

In yesterday’s post, I wrote:

I’m always looking for corroboration of the Edgar Cayce readings on the Yucatan. This private pyramid is called Kabul. I believe there’s a Cayce reading about something similar. Can hardly wait to see it.

Carol Chapman —

Today, I found the Edgar Cayce reading with a similar word. Here’s the excerpt:

"Before that the entity was in the Yucatan land, when there were those activities in which there were those groups that had caused dissension among the worshipers in the temple there of Ichakabal."

(Edgar Cayce Reading  3004-1)

Reading 3004-1 was given for a 55-year-old housewife in 1943.

I wonder if the pyramid called Kabul has anything to do with the temple Ichakabal. Many Mayan pyramids have temples on top of them. There is a good chance there is a temple on top of the Kabul pyramid.

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Yucatan Visit

I’m excited about my upcoming visit to the Yucatan. I always love to explore ancient mysteries.

This time, I’m happy because I’ll have a chance to explore a pyramid which is on private land and not accessible to the public without an invitation.

I’m always looking for corroboration of the Edgar Cayce readings on the Yucatan. This private pyramid is called Kabul. I believe there’s a Cayce reading about something similar. Can hardly wait to see it.

Carol Chapman —

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Izamna and Izamal, Yucatan, and Edgar Cayce

I’m getting ready for a return visit to Yucatan because I’m making a spirituality movie about the Maya, 2012 and the Yucatan.

In preparation, I’m looking over Edgar Cayce’s psychic readings on the Maya. I’m intrigued by his reference to a place in Yucatan where an Atlantean princess was supposed to have come for work in a sun temple. He calls the place a name that starts with "itza" or "iza."

Therefore, I wonder if he could have referred to the very charming town of Izamal.

Coincidentally, Izamal was the headquarters of a great spiritual leader of the Maya, Izamna.


Carol Chapman —

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2012 Traveler in Guatemala Wonders Whether to go to Mexico

In a July 29, 2008 blog post, Juan Valdez says he’s presently in Guatemala. He contemplates going north into the Mexican state of Chiapas.

I am thinking of going north into Chiapas in Mexico but am not sure I will learn much more about the Maya Long Count and the 2012 cataclysm being forecast by some, because less than 25% of the inhabitants of the province are of Maya decent and most of them don’t even speak Spanish.


The reason I find this excerpt interesting is that, based on my reading, I thought that the inhabitants of Chiapas were especially dedicated to preserving their culture. In addition, I’d read that many of the Mayan people, continued to dress in colorful traditional outfits decorated with local designs, are especially reluctant to be treated as fodder for tourists’ cameras.

I guess I assumed this meant that the state of Chiapas was a Mayan stronghold. But, what do I know? I’m just reading and this fellow is there. What does he mean by saying that most of them don’t even speak Spanish? That they speak only Mayan and therefore he can’t converse with them so why go to Chiapas, anyway? Or, that they speak English and therefore aren’t in touch with their Mayan roots so they wouldn’t know anything about the Maya Long Count Calendar or 2012?

Something else I found interesting–further in his blog he says that because he’s in the mountains in Guatemala, it’s cool. Amazing! I’m sitting in Virginia where it’s very hot but we’re so much farther north than Guatemala.

Copyright 2008 Carol Chapman

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Underground Caves in Yucatan

As I said yesterday, Edgar Cayce, America’s “sleeping prophet” said in trance that records left by Atlanteans could be found in Yucatan, Mexico.  

It turns out that Yucatan is riddled with extensive underground cave systems. I wonder if the ancient Atlanteans placed their records in one of these caves. Some of the caves extend for miles underground and also include underground rivers.

Carol Chapman —

Copyright 2008 Carol Chapman All Rights Reserved

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Researchers Open Secret Cave Under Mexican Pyramid

Here’s an excerpt from a July 13, 2008 article by Miguel Angel Gutierrez: 

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Archeologists are opening a cave sealed for more than 30 years deep beneath a Mexican pyramid to look for clues about the mysterious collapse of one of ancient civilization’s largest cities.

Researchers open secret cave under Mexican pyramid – Yahoo! News

The article goes on to say:

      • “The soaring Teotihuacan stone pyramids, now a major tourist site about an hour outside Mexico City, were discovered by the ancient Aztecs around 1500 AD, not long before the arrival of Spanish explorers to Mexico.
      • But little is known about the civilization that built the immense city, with its ceremonial architecture and geometric temples, and then torched and abandoned it around 700 AD.
      • Archeologists are now revisiting a cave system that is buried 20 feet beneath the towering Pyramid of the Sun and extends into a tunnel stretching for some 295 feet (90 meters) with a height of 8 feet.
      • They say new excavations begun this month could be the key to unlocking information about the sacred rituals of the people who inhabited the city, later dubbed “The Place Where Men Become Gods” by the Aztecs who believed it was a divine site.”

How exciting! I wonder if the archeologists will discover a tomb as they did in Palenque, which was also in a hollowed out area under the Pyramid of Inscriptions.

I also like the title the ancient Aztecs gave the location: “The Place Where Men Became Gods.”

It reminds me of the title of my book, When We Were Gods, which describes hypnosis-induced memories of ancient Mexico and a journey to the Yucatan where I found images in ancient ruins of my memories. Here’s the amazon listing if you’re interested in reading more about When We Were Gods.

Copyright 2008 Carol Chapman All Rights Reserved

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Ancient Maya of Classic Period Not Atlanteans

In yesterday’s post I said that American’s great psychic Edgar Cayce had said, in trance, that the ancient Maya had come from Atlantis. Since Atlantis had been destroyed by 9,000 BC according to Plato, the Maya of the Classic period, from about AD 350 to 800 could not have been the ancient Maya Cayce referred to.

Carol Chapman

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