
Category Archives for "Reincarnation"

Reincarnation Investigation with the Cast of ‘The Medium at Large’

 Here is another delightful reincarnation story about a play, The Medium at Large written by best-selling author Julia Cameron (The Artists Way):

When members of The Medium at Large cast questioned Asher about their past lives, they discovered that several of them had worked together in ancient Greek theater, and that most of the ensemble had worked together on an old sailing ship. “Their lives had depended on each other,” said Stefanic.

Channel surfing with ‘The Medium’

The cast of The Medium at Large consulted medium Mary Louise Stefanic. She says that she enters a meditative trance so that she can be a spiritual channel allowing Asher, a group of “spirits who no longer occupy a physical body,” to communicate with the living.

Carl Occipinti, artistic director of the Village Players, who are presenting The Medium at Large in Oak Park, Illinois, engaged the medium to acquaint the actors with the sacredness of the world of spiritual medium.  

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North American Indians Believe in Reincarnation

I didn’t know that Native North Americans had a tradition of belief in reincarnation. However, that’s what a research paper from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln describes.  

Amerindian Rebirth is both a major collection of essays and probably the best current reference work on Native North American beliefs about reincarnation.

DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska – Lincoln | Review of Amerindian Rebirth: Reincarnation Belief Among North American Indians and Inuit edited by Antonia Mills and Richard Slobodin

Unfortunately, although the summary contains what appears to be a link to download the article, the link is not live. Therefore, I could only see the summary which says that most of the research of the Native American beliefs on reincarnation were conducted on mainly West Coast peoples focusing mainly on the arctic, western subarctic, and Pacific Northwest.

I would imagine this would be a very interesting and well-worth-reading paper!

Carol Chapman

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Reincarnation and the Dalai Lama


Tibetan Buddhists say the spiritual leader is the 14th reincarnation of the Dalai Lama. According to centuries-old tradition, monks search for the reincarnation of the lama after a spiritual leader’s death.

Dalai Lama in hospital to have gallstone removed

I love the stories telling the how the a Dalai Lama is chosen. If I remember correctly (a friend who is a Buddhist told me this story), a number of years after one Dalai Lama passes, his monks begin a process whereby they pray and meditate to get an idea where they can find the child who is the reincarnated Dalai Lama. This child will not necessarily look like the previous Dalai Lama because the soul of the old Master reincarnates into a new body.

Eventually, the monks’ receive guidance that tells then where to find the child. They bring with them a box containing personal objects placed in the box by the previous Dalai Lama. Before he died, the Master locked these objects in the box. Only he knows what they are.

When the monks find the child, they question him to make sure he is the reincarnated Dalai Lama. When the monks feel secure that they have found the right child, they ask the child what is in the sealed box. When the monks open the box and see that the child has answered correctly, they know that they have found the reincarnated Dalai Lama.

This process of finding a reincarnated Dalai Lama has occurred 14 times, through 14 generations since the original Dalai Lama died. In effect, his soul has reincarnated in 14 bodies with the conscious memory that he is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan Buddhists. That’s pretty amazing!

Copyright (c) 2008 Carol Chapman

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Past Lives – Scientific Evidence

Do you know that I went for a past life regression to help me with weight loss and ended up remembering numerous past lives, including my experiences in Atlantis? Then I went to Yucatan, on a sort of quest for Atlantis, where I found images that confirmed my past life memories in an ancient Mayan ruin. I wrote about my experiences in my book When We Were Gods.

My memories and the verification of them has changed my life. I am always interested in reading about past lives and reincarnation proof such as the following selection:

The scientific community more often than not refutes the proof of past lives. However, there are many scientific examples, some of them very convincing. In a case reported by Dr. Morris Netherton (, an eleven-year-old boy who when under hypnosis was taped speaking in an ancient Chinese dialect. This astonishing taped regression was taken to a Professor at the Department of Oriental Studies at the University of California, where it was found to be a recitation from a forbidden religion of ancient China. (Fisher 1986:202.)

Past Lives – Scientific Evidence – Community

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Praises for Arrival of the Gods in Egypt

I feel especially happy because I received a wonderful, encouraging testimonial for Arrival of the Gods in Egypt. The testimonial came from a woman who saw the book on the desk of a professional to whom I’d sent the book for inclusion in a catalog. The woman picked up the book, leafed through it, started to read it and (the professional told me) became totally enthralled.

Because this is a woman who returns books, the professional allowed the woman to borrow the book. The next day, the professional received a telephone call. The woman said she couldn’t put the book down. She stayed up all night reading it.

She said that she loved Arrival of the Gods in Egypt. She loved the story. She loved the writing style . . . everything! She especially loved that the book started in our world and then took the reader to exotic places where wonderful things were happening.

Authors need encouragement. It sure did make my day.

Carol Chapman —

Copyright (c) Carol Chapman All Rights Reserved

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My New Book, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, is Here!

I’m pretty happy today because my new book, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, arrived a couple of days ago. It looks gorgeous! The cover is fantastic! I really love the back cover too.

Arrival of the Gods in Egypt is a true story describing a search for evidence of Atlantis in Egypt at the time when apparitions of the Virgin Mary are appearing in a town out-of-bounds to foreigners.

Carol Chapman

Copyright (c) 2008 Carol Chapman All Rights Reserved

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Familiar Familial Relationships

Have you ever had the experience that you feel unusually close to a member of your family who is not one of your parents? For example, an easy rapport with an aunt or uncle, a niece or nephew? A cousin?
I wonder if this is a person you knew in a previous lifetime in a closer relationships, for example, a parent or child?

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Smithsonian Mag: Tattoos in Ancient Egypt

If you’re interested in ancient Egypt, you’ll find this excerpt from the Smithsonian Magazine’s Blog on the origin of tattoos intriguing and also full of information:

Tattoo Art in Egypt
It was believed for a long period of time that tattoo art originated in Ancient Egypt where many figurines, tomb scenes and mummified bodies were found with tattoo art on them.  It should be noted where as one might think tattoos was a way for male self expression, tattoo art in ancient Egypt was only found on women.  For a short time researchers thought that the act of tattooing an Egyptian women meant that she was a prostitute or a dancer, usually being of no importance.

However as more research was done on this evidence it was discovered that only a certain class of women wore tattoo art and these women did not belong to the lower classes, but the more important upper classes in Egyptian society. It is now believed that the tattoo art of ancient Egyptian women were located almost exclusively over the breasts, upper thigh and stomach.  The designs used were generally a net like pattern of dots across the skin.  It is now believed that the ancient Egyptian women used the tattoo as a form of protection rather than self expressive decoration and it was meant to keep the mother and children in the womb safe during the pregnancy and childbirth.

The Smithsonian Magazine Blog

I wonder if the many young people who feel compelled to adorn their bodies with tattoo art have had a reincarnation experience in ancient Egypt.

Carol Chapman

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In Our Present Lifetime We Deal with a Number of Past Lives

Have you ever heard someone say, “My second marriage is like a totally different lifetime compared to my first.” Or, “If you knew me when I was young, you’d never believe the person I am now.”

Edgar Cayce’s trance readings say that in our present lifetime we will work on a number of past lives. In some of his trance readings, he occasionally mentioned that an individual was now moving into the influence of another past life as a way of explaining the changes the person was currently undergoing.

Therefore, if you presently find yourself with financial or relationship challenges, take heart, there’s a good chance that your current circumstances will soon change, especially if you find yourself undergoing a period of transition.  

Carol Chapman

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Do Money Problems Derive From a Past Life in Which You Squandered Resources?

Today I receive an email from my “friend in Boston” who humorously mused that her present financial problems probably originated in a lifetime in which she was rich but did not use her abundance wisely. Her statement reminded me of one of my past lives that surfaced in a dream.

In this past lifetime, I had been a very wealthy woman. I was also lovely, young and had  three small children. When my husband had married me, part of the arrangement had included vast tracts of land as part of my dowry from my father. My husband traveled the world in four-masted schooners on his business ventures. He had “a girl in every port.” I felt so lonely and unloved. This life occurred during feudal times in France. I used to look out the window of our estate at one of our peasants gathering wood for his fire in our forest. I would think that he had to work so hard just to keep warm that he would never have the time to be unfaithful to his wife. I actually wished to be poor.

I relate this story to show that troubles in this life may not necessarily be the result of “just retribution” for misuse of abundance. We may have actually wished for the condition we presently find ourselves in.

The lesson is: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!

Carol Chapman » Reincarnation

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