Front cover of Have Your Heart's Desire: Tools for a Wealthier, Healthier, Happier Life by Carol Chapman
My new book, Have Your Heart’s Desire: Tools for a Wealthier, Healthier, Happier Life is now listed on Amazon and Barnes and (also available at Barnes and Noble brick and mortar bookstores by order. You’ll need the ISBN: 978-0-9754691-3-2.)
Are you interested in a book that will change your life?
The inspirational prayers in Have Your Heart’s Desire: Tools for a Wealthier, Healthier, Happier Life have improved the lives of many and can do the same for you.
Author Carol Chapman has shared these prayers for years at her speaking engagements. Audience members have remarked that the prayers have improved their lives. Now she’s sharing the prayers with the rest of the world so that others can reap the benefits the prayers provide.
Chapman learned the prayers from their creator, J. Everett Irion, a kind and psychic counselor working at Edgar Cayce headquarters in Virginia Beach. He studied the psychic guidance in the Cayce readings and provided private spiritual coaching sessions that included guidance in psychic development, personal transformation, and self improvement. One of the prayers, the profound 40-day Forgiveness Prayer, is often referred to as the Edgar Cayce prayer.
Everett was in his mid-70s when the author knew him. Sadly, he has passed away since, but his words of wisdom live on. In this fantastic book you will learn:
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Today I am happy, because I am making progress on my next book, Have Your Hearts Desire. It is a self help, new age book.
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From a Boston Red Sox Baseball Team blog on the benefits of the Law of Attraction as described in The Secret:
Ramirez has been reading Rhonda Byrne’s self-motivational bestseller “The Secret” in the clubhouse, highlighting various passages. … From Publishers Weekly, via Amazon:
Supporters will hail this New Age self-help book on the law of attraction as a groundbreaking and life-changing work, finding validation in its thesis that one’s positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, happiness … and did we mention wealth? Detractors will be appalled by this as well as when the book argues that fleeting negative thoughts are powerful enough to create terminal illness, poverty and even widespread disasters.
I love The Secret too and have benefited from applying the suggestions in it.
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