
Category Archives for "Inspiration"

Inspirational articles, quotes, reflections and information to encourage you.

Inspirational winter quote about Scotland

Tall mountains with winter quoteAlthough I’ve never actually visited northern Scotland, I’ve grown to love it through the Hamish MacBeth mystery novels of author M.C. Beaton, who grew up in Scotland. OK, I admit. I took this photo during a speaking tour in Alaska. It’s not Scotland. However, Hamish MacBeth lives in County Sutherland where twin peaks rise from the sea. So, it’s my best guess. Does Scotland have glaciers? The winter days are supposed to be very short because of the extreme northern latitude, but the climate is supposed to be warmer than you’d expect because of the Gulf Stream.

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Positive Thought: Humanity must, on the whole, be thinking positive thoughts

Copy Many people - feel happy_0159As a result of the lovely, hopeful comments I received on my Facebook page ( when I asked the question: With all that negative thought, why didn’t the world end on December 21, 2012? I’ve been thinking.

And, my conclusion is that: We (humanity) must, on the whole, be thinking thoughts of gratitude, love, and hope all the time. When I think about it, there are many people who, when I’m in their presence, I feel happy. Is this your experience also?

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