Yesterday’s post with that amazingly dramatic photograph of lava spewing out of the side of a cliff into the Pacific Ocean in Hawaii brings to mind not only the sinking of Lemuria Mu, but also the recent speculation about the 2012 prophecies and the end of the world. Could the world end on December 21, 2012 from dramatic volcanic activity?
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Yesterday I wrote to say that the grid-pattern, thought by some to be the lost city of Atlantis, found on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa by Google Maps has disappeared. How unusual. Usually, Atlantis keeps popping up in many diverse places. A disappearance is definitely out of the ordinary! What can it mean? Is this the first 2012 earth upheaval?
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As we enter 2012, and wonder about the Mayan prophecies: Are they about the end of the world, a new beginning, or what? Here’s some information about super-volcanoes:
Continue readingEach of the world’s roughly one dozen super-volcanoes is capable of spewing out thousands of times more magma and ash than any eruption ever recorded in human history.
Can scientists predict volcanic eruptions? Mythical Atlantis may hold the answer.
Today I’m working on the 2012 and Beyond Movie. When I was in Yucatan in December 2011, I met with Kristine Ellingson, author of Tales from the Yucatan Jungle: Life in a Mayan Village. She’s an American who is married to a Mayan man and has been living in a Mayan village with him for 20 years. During my visit in Yucatan, I interviewed her for the movie asking her what the Maya in her village think about 2012–are they afraid of the end of the world? Do they even know about it?
Kristine’s intriguing memoir is available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle form, and on or by order from Barnes and Noble bookstores.
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I haven’t seen this 2012 video, but you might want to take a look at it. It is part of the March 14, 2008 post at the 2012 Eye of the Shaman website.
I’ve copied a excerpt from description of the video below. It looks interesting.
After the last Sun Age, Hunab Ka, Mayan Sun God banished the Death Lords to Xibalba. When the waters receded they plotted their return. ~ How Evil Entered Our World
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Here’s an excerpt from a great article called, “Did the Maya predict the world would end in 2012? Archeologists say Maya made no such prophecy.” The article is from CBCNews. here:
Click on the link above and you’ll be taken to the original article, which is full of information on the ancient Maya and 2012. The article is announcing a Royal Ontario Museum exhibit on the topic.
Here’s the quote:
“In a correlation of the Maya’s long-count calendar to our Western one, the end of this current baktun, the 13th, happens on Dec. 21, 2012 (or Dec. 23. See sidebar).
“The long-count calendar counts the time since creation, which the Maya date to what we would call a day in August 3114 BC.
“Dec. 21 vs. Dec. 23
Dec, 21, 2012 seems to be the most favoured date for when the 13th baktun on the Maya long-count calendar ends. But some sources, including the Royal Ontario Museum, go with Dec. 23.“The two dates stem from two variations of the most used correlation of our calendar with the Maya’s.
“The ROM’s Justin Jennings said it went with Dec. 23 because, “there’s no evidence that the long count is linked to astronomical cycles” and the curators felt that Dec. 21 feeds into “2012 galactic alignment stuff, which just doesn’t hold water from an astronomy point of view and it does not work for classic Maya literature.”
“Maya expert David Stuart doesn’t care which date people choose but told CBC News that it is a complete coincidence that Dec. 21 will be the winter solstice. “Other baktun endings don’t really fall on important astronomical dates,” he noted.
“Obviously, baktuns have come and gone. This year just happens to be the one when the 13th baktun ends. The 12th baktun ended on Sept. 18, 1618, which was when Europe’s very destructive Thirty Years’ War was just getting started.
“Stuart writes that, “any such statements about the Maya predicting the world’s demise or alternatively, some ‘transformation of consciousness’ in 2012 is, to put it as simply and directly as possible, wrong.”
Did the Maya predict the world would end in 2012? Archeologists say Maya made no such prophecy
In this blog, I’ve written about David Stuart before. He is one of my heroes, because, by a wonderful set of circumstances, his parents were both archeologists and he spend part of his childhood with them at the Mayan ruin of Coba, which is within a half day’s drive from Cancun–I’ve been there twice, and I’ve included it my my travelogue, Yucatan Travel: Cancun to Chichen Itza.
From what I’ve read and seen about David Stuart, he had a Mayan nanny and so became prolific in Mayan. I remember seeing a Public Broadcasting Station special on deciphering the Mayan glyphs, in which David, at an early age–I think 16–was brilliantly decoding glyphs, helped by his fluency in present-day Mayan.
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Just in case you’re really excited about the discovery of new planets and want to join in the search, here’s a link to the Planet Hunters, where they are looking for people like you. (By the way, normally I would be able to create a live link for you to click on to take you to the Planet Hunters’ website. However, I just made an upgrade on my blog–I’ve done this many times before without a problem–but this time, for some strange reason, I can no longer make live links for you to follow, nor can I add metatags to my posts, nor can I bold text or add photographs to blog posts. Sorry. It will probably take me a while to figure this one out. Thanks for being patient.)
I am excited about looking at the stars and about learning about new planet discoveries. I also want to help those people who become frightened when someone tells them that NASA scientists are keeping secret the discovery of a new planet, Nibiru, and that the ancient Maya knew about Nibiru (they didn’t) and have prophecies saying that Nibiru would end the world as we know it on December 21, 2012. No such Mayan prophecies exist. People have actually told me that they believe this based on what they believe to be real videos (they aren’t) of this planet crashing toward earth.
Nonetheless, the real discoveries of real new planets are wonderful and are being shared with anyone who cares to search for them on the World Wide Web.
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The Kepler Space Telescope may find Planet-X also known as Nibiru, that is, if it actually exists. Nibiru is supposed to be connected with the 2012 end of the world Mayan prophecies. As it is, Kepler is find many potential planets. A February 3, 2011 New York Times article says:
NASA’s Kepler is a $600 million satellite telescope that monitors the stars. Its job is to conduct a kind of Gallup poll of worlds in the cosmos.
On Feb. 3, 2011, in a long-awaited announcement, Kepler scientists reported that they had identified 1,235 possible planets orbiting other stars, potentially tripling the number of known planets.
Of the new candidates, 68 are one and a quarter times the size of the Earth or smaller — smaller, that is, than any previously discovered planets outside the solar system, which are known as exoplanets. Fifty-four of the possible exoplanets are in the so-called habitable zones of stars dimmer and cooler than the Sun, where temperatures should be moderate enough for liquid water.about the Kepler space telescope that is finding planets:
Kepler Space Telescope
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This illustrated graphic shows the two newfound Kepler-20 planets shown to scale with Earth and Venus.
Continuing with my quest to find if NASA, astronomers, and other planet discoverers and enthusiastically sharing their findings of new planets with the world or keeping them secret. I am motivated to research these discoveries, because people I know have become so wrapped up in the 2012 / end of the world / Nibiru mania that they actually believe there is a conspiracy to keep secret the discovery of one very special planet, Nibiru, that supposedly carries aliens who have been on earth before.
My experience with amateur astronomers and professional scientists is that they want to publish their discoveries as soon as possible so that someone else does not get the credit for their discovery. They do not keep their discoveries secret.
Above, find artist’s impressions of what these two newly discovered planets, the first ever found that are about the same size as earth, might look like. They are not photographs. These planets are 15,000 light years away where no earth satellite and therefore, no camera has ever gone before. The image was created through cooperation between NASA/JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratories)), Cal Tech (California Institute of Technology) and T. Pyle (probably the artist).
New planets are discovered by the following process:
To discover the new planets, Fressin and his colleagues used NASA’s Kepler space telescope, which noticed the tiny dips in the parent star’s brightness when the planets passed in front of it, blocking some of its light (this is called the transit method). The researchers then used ground-based observatories to confirm that the planets actually exist by measuring minute wobbles in the star’s position caused by gravitational tugs from its planets.
By the way, the new planets are called “alien” planets not because they carry aliens, that is to say extraterrestrials, but because they are alien or foreign to earth’s solar system.
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Here’s another exciting example of astronomers announcing to the world their discovery of two new planets. In fact, this announcement is so new, it is only one day old:
The newly confirmed planets, called Kepler-34b and Kepler-35b, were announced in January 11 online edition of the journal Nature, said Eric B. Ford, UF associate professor of astronomy. William F. Welsh, associate professor at San Diego State University, is the lead author on the paper.
As NASA astrobiologist David Morrison said, astronomers could not keep secret the discovery of a planet such as the infamous Nibiru. The story is that the reason astronomers and NASA are not announcing to the public the entry of Nibiru into close proximity to the earth is because there is a conspiracy to keep the information secret.
I don’t think so. Since astronomers are announcing their finds of other planets, they would also announce the discovery of Nibiru, which is supposed to cause the end of the world coincident with the Mayan calendar‘s end on December 21, 2012.
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