It hadn’t occurred to me to wonder how long Bermuda Triangle phenomena have been going on. However, I find it interesting to see that the website reports that Christopher Columbus noted that:
To my knowledge the first documentation that anything was amiss in the area came from Christopher Columbus,
who reported compass malfunctions and a bolt of fire that fell into the sea. He also reports of a light on the horizon.
Bermuda Triangle
My interest in the Bermuda Triangle stems from the Edgar Cayce Atlantis psychic readings that say that evidence of Atlantis could be found in the Bermuda Triangle.
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If you’re wondering what happened to the scientific chart of “Deep Ocean Temperatures During the Last 100 Million Years” which was posted on this blog on March 8th, I just checked out the website where the photo was linked from and saw the following:
The website has been removed as it is no longer being maintained.
What a pity! It was an excellent diagram and a fantastic website full of information on climate change over the millennia.
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My March 8th post shows a chart illustrating deep ocean temperatures for the last 100 million years. At the website Global Climate Change Student Guide, the original home of the chart, I also found the following excerpt comparing prehistoric deep ocean temperatures with today:
Continue reading… evidence from oxygen isotope records (Douglas & Woodruff, 1981) revealed that deep sea ocean temperatures were at least 10°C to 15°C warmer than they are today (see Figure 5.6). Early Cenozoic sea surface temperatures around Antarctica were also considerably warmer than today (Shackleton & Kennet, 1975) .
The early Eocene (55 to 50Ma) was the warmest period during the Cenozoic. Various climatic indices suggest that tropical conditions extended 10° to 15° of latitude poleward of their present limits.
The recent 8.9 earthquake off the coast of Japan and resulting tsunami could be earth changes predicted by many 2012 prophets.
Interestingly, I gave a date for the end of 2012 earth changes when, in a 1995 hypnosis session, the hypnotherapist asked me for dates concerning the end of predicted earth changes.
I wrote about my experiences and predictions in When We Were Gods.
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In my blog post yesterday, I wondered if the recent Japan Tsunami was the harbinger of Japan going down into the sea as predicted by psychic Edgar Cayce.
Interestingly, Edgar Cayce also predicted a shift of the earth’s axis.
Well, guess what? It turns out that the recent Japanese earthquake did move the earth’s axis by four inches!
Continue readingReports from an Italian institute estimated that Japan earthquake shifted Earth on its axis by as much as 4 inches, CNN said.
Edgar Cayce, American psychic, predicted in his self hypnosis readings that Japan would, at some time in the future, go down into the sea. Is this record-breaking tsunami the beginning?
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Although yesterday I said that I thought that the recent global climate warming did not seem to be alarming since the earth has been going through a general cooling period for the last 100 million years, scientists at the Global Climate Change Student Guide website believe there are reasons for concern. Here is an excerpt from the epilogue of their excellent fact-filled online book:
Continue readingToday we may be witnessing one of the most profound climatic changes in the Earth’s history. Certainly, larger changes in global climate have occurred in the past, but over much longer time periods. The danger facing the global society today is that anthropogenic global warming may be too fast to allow humans, and other species, to adapt to its detrimental impacts. In addition, through enhanced greenhouse forcing, we may be pushing the climate system towards a bifurcation point, where climatic responses may become highly non-linear through complex feedback processes, driving the system to a completely different, and most probably, inhospitable state for humankind.
Yesterday’s chart showed the earth’s temperature for the last 4600 million years. That’s 4.6 billion years ago to the present.
Today, I have a chart showing deep ocean temperatures for only the last 100 million years.
Deep Ocean Temperatures During the Last 100 Million Years
The above image comes from a wonderful online book called Global Climate Change Student Guide. The link takes you to the chapter called Palaeoclimatic Change, Section: Cenozoic Climates. If you click on the “section 5.3” link on that page, you’ll see the above chart.
I am investigating earth’s climate history to see if the earth’s recent global warming is something alarming compared to the earth’s climate history. From what I see, the earth’s temperature seems to have been going downward. Therefore, I would imagine that the recent rise in temperature could be temporary.
In my hypnosis sessions, described in my book When We Were Gods, I mentioned earth changes. Therefore, I’m interested in discovering whether recent earth changes are normal or abnormal for our planet.
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While filming the Yucatan Travel Movie: Cancun to Chichen Itza, I wondered what the Maya had to say about 2012. After all, it is a Mayan prophecy that originated all the ruckus about December 21, 2012. Therefore, while shooting video footage for the movie, I also interviewed every-day Maya and Mayan shamans. These interviews became the nucleus of my upcoming presentation for the Edgar Cayce Forum on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
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I’ll be speaking at the Edgar Cayce Forum on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The topic: