
Category Archives for "Astrology"

What to do during this Mercury Retrograde

I like this online article by Great Falls Astrology Examiner Rita McKinney. She says that one of the best things to do during this Mercury Retrograde in Aries is to:

Ask questions and listen.

That is great advice. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been encountering miscommunications both between myself and others and also between other people. What a mess! April 23rd, when this present Mercury Retrograde is finally over, is so far away!

Last Mercury Retrograde, in December 2010, I noticed that the worst of it seemed to occur at the beginning of the 3-week period. Maybe the worst will soon be over. I hope.

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Mercury Retrograde right now in Aries!

You do realize we’re in Mercury Retrograde right now! It started yesterday, March 30th and will go until April 22nd with residual effects continuing until May 11th.

As usual, during Merc Retro periods, the emphasis is on difficulties with communications, transportation, and making decisions, especially relating to business matters. The suggestion is to refrain from starting major projects from the ground up at this time. If you’ve already started something, go ahead, continue, but realize you may feel fuzzy-headed about decisions you have to make. Just take it easy, slow down, relax.

Kachina Houska at Dimensional Bliss suggests that because this particular Mercury Retrograde is entirely within Aries, unlike some relatively benign Merc Retro periods, this one could create quite a few problems. She admonishes us to stay away from volatile people.

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Mercury Retrograde Affects Emails

Wouldn’t you know it, in the middle of this Mercury Retrograde, my internet provider decides to change companies! And, true to form, the migration of my email account does not go smoothly and I have to contact tech support today. I am glad the technician figured it out … at last, but the solution is that my emails will now only open when I use only one browser – the others won’t work. This is a typical communication problem during Mercury Retrograde.

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Mercury Retrograde Strikes Again!

Well, in my last post I was crowing about how everything was going so swimmingly during this Mercury Retrograde. Hah! I spoke too soon! Last night, the electricity went out, the computer turned itself off, and there was no chance of posting on this blog. Not only that, there were high winds and it was COLD! Thank God for the wood stove. I slept on the couch in the living room where it was warm. I feel very grateful for the utility workers who braved the freezing cold weather to get us back on the grid.

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Mercury Retrograde going swimmingly

Well, well, well, in spite of dire warnings, Mercury Retrograde, Day 3, appears to be going quite well. I am happy to say that I have finished writing most of my Christmas Cards. Yes, I started writing them before Mercury went retrograde so I did not initiate a major project during this retrograde time. And, I am following the suggestions given by online astrologers; namely to relax. I had candles blazing, the wood fire crackling, and a hot drink. Verrry nice! I’ve also enjoying thinking about the wonderful friends and family I am writing to and sending them good wishes. Are you having any experiences with Mercury Retrograde? This cycle, which began on December 10th, will end on December 30th.

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First Day of Mercury Retrograde

I’m touching wood because I have to say that even though today is the first day of Mercury Retrograde, it has been a lovely normal day. No delays, no difficulties with communications or electronics devices … no, wait a minute … now that I think of it, I have been having trouble with my cell phone. Well, there you have it. A problem with communication! That’s it, Mercury Retrograde!

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Mercury Retrograde less than 12 hours away!

So, I tried to get all my Christmas Cards written and sent but just didn’t get them all done. However, I did manage quite a few. And now, in spite of my best efforts, Mercury Retrograde is almost upon us. Here is some advise from a wonderful long article MERCURY RETROGRADE, 10 to 30 December, 2010 by Sharita Star at Astro Dispatch on what to expect and how best to handle the Mercury Retrograde period from December 10th to 30th:

    With Capricorn being the sign of reverence, conservation, caution, and ambition these are the virtues we are meant to adhere to the most as we gravitate to the actions of: REdoing, REassessing, REading, REvisiting, REjoicing, REaligning, REsting, REviewing, and by all means RELAXING! Once back in Sagittarius upon 18 December, our sense of perspective, honesty, optimism, and expansion urge our attention for those RE’s to unfold upon.

    Furthering upon the caution, REsponding vs. REacting is the key to finding reward during this passage. There will be buzzes of changes that will undoubtedly occur while this Retrograde plays out. While we are wise to avoid important decisions and initiations at this time, our activity and behavior while in reassessment is imperative.

    Look to the 05 deg Capricorn to 19 degree Sagittarius piece of your personal Zodiac Pie to see where reflection urges to find you under this upcoming passage. Remember as well…

    The DO’s & DON’TS of Mercury REtrograde…

    REmain Calm!
    Expect CHANGE: in travel, routines, & schedules to occur suddenly
    Give yourself extra time to get where you’re going
    Spend time in the RE’s: Relax, Revisit, Reflect, Redo, REcharge!
    Gravitate to REsponding vs. REacting!

    “Freak out” when changes come up
    Rush: speaking, driving, doing anything!
    Sign important documents
    Initiate anything new

    Keep in mind, those events and situations that have occurred since 22 November- fall under the approach of this REtrograde. We tend to start to see the things that will undergo reassessment emerge over these couple weeks, in the specific areas of your life noted above. Equally before the shadow completes upon 17 January 2011, you will see further opportunities for final adjustments that need to be made from all action occurring within the retrograde period.

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Mercury Retrograde only one day away!

Here is a sweet article, Mercury is Retrograde December 10th 2010, on the upcoming Mercury Retrograde from the website Aligned for Mercury Retrograde by Julie Simmons, Astrologer. I call it a sweet article because she’s very specific about this particular upcoming Mercury Retrograde and she gently advises, “The sense of ambition to achieve a goal is very strong but the time is not quite yet,” which I find really helpful.

    Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn and goes back to Sagittarius when it goes direct. There are a lot of tangles in this particular retrograde period. It makes the retrograde station on December 10th very close to Pluto and the North Node as well as Mars. (Mars catches up between the 12th and 15th of December). This indicates that the best of intentions need to be patiently and seriously reconsidered. There could be reasons that we should do this which have to do with far reaching consequences. The sense of ambition to achieve a goal is very strong but the time is not quite yet.

    As Mercury travels its retrograde path it will then square Uranus (December 21st) and Jupiter (December 22nd). This reminds us that we are a planet on the brink. On the 21st there is a visible Full Moon eclipse at 2:12 AM, in the last degree of Sagittarius. as well as Winter Solstice at 6:39 PM the same day. This is a strong statement of endings and beginnings. It suggests that we are feeling the tension of changes that must be made but the retrograde feeling is that we are not quite ready.

    After Mercury goes direct many of these issues will hopefully resolve themselves with care and consideration of all involved parties.

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Some Benefits to Mercury Retrograde

According to Cafe Astrology, there are some positive aspects to Mercury Retrograde. That’s what I like to hear! You’ll find the benefits described in the second paragraph of the following excerpt:

    As the planet of communication, Mercury retrograde tends to breed a certain level of confusion. Mercury rules our “lower” mind–how we perceive and interpret information that we receive from our environment, and how we relay that information to others. Mercury has rulership over such things as speaking, negotiating, buying and selling, listening, formal contracts, documents, travel, the mail and shipping, and so forth. All of these areas of life are affected when Mercury is functioning in a sluggish state. Decision-making is challenged during Mercury retrograde. Needless to say, it is not advised to sign contracts, engage in important decision-making, or launch a new business. Delays and challenges are more probable with Mercury retrograde. It’s a time when being careless with money, our personal information, or paperwork can be costly.

    There is a positive side to Mercury Retrograde. This period is best used for re-organizing and reflecting. We look at the world a little differently–through different filters–and can come up with some very important inner revelations. It may be difficult to communicate them under this influence, but not everything needs to be rationalized. Mercury retrograde periods can be times of heightened inner awareness, when meditation, benefiting from keeping a journal, reworking old plans, and reviewing past work are favored. Minor breaks in the mechanical aspects of communication can actually re-connect us to other means of communication, such as when there is an unexpected power outage and we’re forced off the computer and television, finding different and often satisfying ways to entertain ourselves.

    It is important to note that there is absolutely no reason to suspend projects or anything of the sort during the Mercury Retrograde cycle. It’s not an ideal time to start new ones or to sign contracts, simply because a change of mind is very possible once Mercury turns direct. However, it’s a fabulous time to do some “outside of the box” thinking. Acting on our ideas, however, might be best left for a Mercury Direct period.

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