
Category Archives for "Astrology"

Mercury Retrograde Dos and Don’ts

The suggestion for a Mercury Retrograde, which we’re in now, is to “pay attention to details” especially having to do with transportation and communication.  Here’s a quote from Crystalinks:

It’s important to figure out how this transit affects the patterns in your life as they will repeat. I know some readers are not into retrograde, but it has its pitfalls whether you believe it nor not. With shifting reality, much doesn’t work in general, but this transit can make things a bit more confusing, indecisive and difficult. To me Mercury Retrograde means Repetitions and Delays. Pay attention to details now, especially linked to transportation and communication. We also find mixed or missed messages. Plans change. Things are lost or forgotten. Decisions will be made and revisited. Don’t forget that Mercury is the Trickster who brings messages and learning lessons in round-about ways that we attract by synchronicity.

Retrograde Planets, Mercury Retrograde, Crystalinks

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More Advantages to Mercury Retrograde

I like these suggestions since, right now, we are in a Mercury Retrograde time and I feel like cleaning out the closets. It’s also good to know that this is a great time for wading through the many projects I’ve let pile up.  

I’ve heard so many bad things about Mercury Retrograde, it’s nice to know there are some advantages to this time. These great suggestions are from Astrology Zone.

Now is also a good time to dress old wounds, clean up relationships or to simply bury the hatchet. Some people have great breakthroughs in psychotherapy during a Mercury retrograde period. For salesman, it is a positive time to backtrack over previous contacts rather than call on new ones. It is a perfect time to schedule work on projects that you haven’t had time to do and you’ve let pile up. Bring your resume or portfolio up to date, and clean out your closets. Take time to paint the house. Clear your decks.


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Advantages of Mercury Retrograde

I love this article by Astrology Zone on the advantages of Mercury Retrograde. Actually, I am happy to say, that out of the blue, an old friend contacted me today . . . just as Astrology Zone predicted for a Mercury Retrograde.

Some activities are lucky or actually improve when Mercury retrogrades. You are likely to bump into old friends that you haven’t seen in years. Adopted children tend to find their birth parents during Mercury retrograde periods, or people locate their long lost siblings. Prosecutors often find clues to crimes that had previously remained unsolved for years.


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Mercury Retrograde Can Be A Beneficial Time

I found this selection from Skyscript on Mercury Retrograde very helpful. I like the idea of thinking of it as a maintenance period.

Mercury retrograde reminds us that efficiency is built upon stability, so think of it as a maintenance period, ideal for revisiting old problems that call for action but lay ignored. If communication problems exist, Mercury retrograde will bring them back to your attention. By taking time out to resolve them now you will be better equipped to make smooth progress in the future.

Skyscript: Mercury Retrograde – Meaning and Periods from 2005 – 2010

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More on Mercury Retrograde

I thought I’d include more information on the Mercury Retrograde since I’ve already experienced a couple of delays being served at a cash register, misplaced a bag and had to go back for it, and had a misunderstanding with the clerk at the airline while booking travel on a flight because the airline lost my tentative registration.

A Mercury retrograde period is a difficult time to begin new projects linked to communication, networking, information-flow and travel.

Skyscript: Mercury Retrograde – Meaning and Periods from 2005 – 2010

If you’re experiencing the same kinds of frustrations, remember to be patient and that it will be over February 1st. That’s only 20 days and counting!

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Mercury Retrograde from January 11 to February 1st

 Do you know that Mercury has just gone retrograde? This happens about three times a year. It usually causes confusions and misunderstandings in communications plus difficulties getting things done on time.

It is a good time for taking care of things you meant to do. Here’s what Alpha Life Trends has to say about Mercury Retrograde:

In 2009 the adjustments that are slated to occur during the retrogrades begin in air signs and return back to earth signs. Thus these Mercury retrogrades take our ideas, decisions and attitudes about specific events and utilize the information to put new processes, contracts,and the like into place.

Mercury Retrograde

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Reincarnation in the NHL!

How do you like that, a Montreal Canadiens hockey player who believes in reincarnation and remembers one of his past lives. Here’s an excerpt from the Toronto newspaper, the Globe and Mail:

To say nothing of the deeply bizarre Gilles Gratton, who claimed to be the reincarnation of a Spanish conquistador and once pulled himself from a game because the stars were improperly aligned. Cool, Calm, Carey

It appears that Monsieur Gratton also consults astrology! I can relate to that!

Carol Chapman

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2012 and Ophiuchus, the Extra Moon Month

I am fascinated by this “2012: The Galactic Alignment, and the Great Goddess” article by Sharron Rose in The Mystery of 2012. She is using ancient Egyptian mysticism and especially the Isis/Osirus/Horus myth to show the importance of 2012.

In one part of the article, Rose says that Isis and the Virgin Mary are associated with the moon. She goes on to talk about the 13-month-per-year lunar calendar used by many European alchemical traditions.

The 13th month is ruled by Ophiuchus, a constellation situated between Scorpio and Sagittarius. She says that Ophiuchus is right at the galactic center. But it isn’t since the galactic center is presently at the end, not the beginning, of Sagittarius and is therefore closer to  Capricorn than Scorpio.

Nonetheless, I feel happy to learn that Ophiuchus is important in some ancient traditions since I was fascinated with the constellation while studying astronomy in college. Sagittarius looks like a teapot. Ophiuchus looks like smoke rising out of the spout of the teapot. Ophiuchus also looks like an undulating serpent.

Interestingly, Ophiuchus is called the “Serpent Holder.” The whole constellation is supposed to be a man holding a serpent. According to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, the sun is in Ophiuchus from November 30 to December 17. That’s most of Sagittarius.

Copyright 2008 Carol Chapman

Carol Chapman

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Last two days of an old moon

Have you ever noticed that on the last two days of an old moon you have very little energy and get frustrated easily?

I don’t know where I saw this originally, but I have noticed that it seems to be so.

SomewhereI learned that you start projects on the new moon.

From the full moon to the end of that moon, you finish projects if you can. And, if you don’t manage to finish a project by the end of the old moon, it will likely take until the end of the next moon time to finish it.

We are in the last two days of an old moon and I’ve heard from numerous people who are tired, frustrated, ready to give up on projects, and worn out.

The best thing to do on the last two days of an old moon is to plan what you’re going to do the next moon. There is energy for that.

Good luck,

Carol Chapman

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