Bosnian Pyramid covered in dirt and vegetation
I wonder how many people viewed this “hill” in Bosnia and thought it was shaped very much like a pyramid but did nothing about it. Or perhaps, because they did not have the assurance of an academic such as Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, they could merely say, “That sure looks like a pyramid. Someone should find out if it is.”
I wonder if it never even occurred to anyone that the three regularly shaped hills were pyramids. In any case, we are fortunate that Dr. Osmanagich investigated these “hills.” Because debris on carvings in tunnels under the pyramids have been radiocarbon dated to before 30,000 years ago, I can’t help wondering if these structures were built by Atlanteans.

Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, the biggest stone structure in the shape of the pyramid on the Planet with the height of 220 meters, Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina