Inspirational Quote from Henry David Thoreau, “It’s not what you look at . . .”
It’s not what you look at that matters,
it’s what you see.
~ Henry David Thoreau Continue reading
It’s not what you look at that matters,
The End of the World 2012 EBook is available on Amazon for free as a Kindle download from Wednesday, November 28th, to Sunday, December 2nd, 2012. It’s available right now!
The End of the World 2012 EBook, is the memoir of author and filmmaker Carol Chapman to discover the truth about the 2012 Mayan prophecies.
Concerned with rampant end of the world fears fanned by misleading reports, Chapman uncovers the truth surrounding this mysterious 2012 date. She examines expert sources to determine if the Mayan calendar does actually end on December 21, 2012 and even includes recent archeological discoveries released in April and June of 2012.
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As you can see from the map of the Yucatan Peninsula on the right, there are Mayan ruin sites in the Mexican states of Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Campeche, Tabasco (where Tabasco Sauce comes from), and Chiapas.
There are also Mayan ruins in the countries of Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras.
Of course, the ancient Maya–the ones who wrote the Mayan prophecies and made the Mayan calendar–did not think of the area as the map looks today with separate Mexican states and separate countries.
For them, it was all the land where they lived with different centers of power where large populations lived. These are today’s Mayan ruins sites.
And today, even though this land is separated into different countries and different Mexican states, it is still the land where the Maya live–the modern-day Maya who are the descendants of the ancient Maya.
The Maya have lived in this area for thousands of years.
Carol Chapman, director/producer of the End of the World 2012 Movie and the Yucatan Travel Movie
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Quintana Roo is where Cancun is. Lots of people don’t know that Quintana Roo and Cancun did not even become a part of Mexico until 1974.
Although Quintana Roo was a territory of Mexico since 1905, it did not become an official state until October 8, 1974.
It is Mexico’s youngest state. Quintana Roo, like Yucatan, is a Mexican state in the Yucatan Peninsula, and is one of the states in Mexico where the Maya live.
Excerpted from the End of the World 2012 Book and End of the World 2012 EBook
Carol Chapman, director/producer of the End of the World 2012 Movie and the Yucatan Travel Movie
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With all the information on the End of the World 2012 Mayan Prophecies, many people don’t know where the Maya live.
They live in the Yucatan Peninsula, which looks like a thumb sticking out from the “hand” of Mexico.
The top of the thumb is the state of Yucatan. Then, on either side, in the middle of the thumb are the states of Campeche and Quintana Roo.
Excerpted from the End of the World 2012 EBook and the End of the World 2012 Book.
Carol Chapman director/producer of the End of the World 2012 Movie.
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My husband and I love travelling in Yucatan. It is in southern Mexico. We find it very safe and enjoyable.
We love to go to Yucatan in the depths of the winter, because it is so wonderfully warm there.
If you look at a map of Mexico, it’s like a hand and the Yucatan is like a thumb. So, that’s the whole Yucatan Peninsula.
Excerpted from the End of the World EBook and the End of the World Book.
~ Carol Chapman, director/producer of the End of the World 2012 Movie
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The Maya live in the Yucatan Peninsula, which is in southern Mexico, and also includes parts of northern Central America.
With all of the buzz about the Mayan Prophecies for December 21, 2012, some people believe that the Maya are a dead race–that there are no Maya alive today. I guess these people believe this since the 2012 Mayan prophecy was made by the ancient Maya, there must not be any modern Maya. Not so.
There’s so much talk about the Maya, but there aren’t many people who know who they are. The Maya are an indigenous group. They live in Central America in Mexico. As of the year 2000, there were seven million of them. They are the largest indigenous group in the Americas. According to some sources, they may be the largest indigenous group in the world.
They suffered under the Spanish who tried to annihilate them in the “Caste War.” It started in 1847 and lasted for 54 years ending on May 5th, 1901. The Spanish slaughtered the Maya, trying to totally get rid of them.
But the Maya people themselves are very determined and steadfast and are producing lots of babies. I have that on good authority that they are replenishing their numbers.
Excerpted from the End of the World 2012 EBook and the End of the World 2012 Book.
Carol Chapman, director/producer of the End of the World 2012 Movie
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In daily life we must see that
it’s not happiness that makes us grateful,
but gratefulness that makes us happy.
Brother Steindl-Rast
Austrian-American Author and
Benedictine Monk
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For travelers and armchair travelers alike, the Yucatan Travel Movie: Cancun to Chichen Itza is also superbly discounted on Amazon right now, from $16.95to $14.99.
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Wow! The End of the World 2012 Movie is really discounted on Amazon, by $5.00. It’s gone from $17.99 to only $14.99.
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