Carol Chapman

Author Archives: Carol Chapman

Winter Star Party a Great Success!

Sad to say, the Winter Star Party is over. However, we had great viewing on our last night, in spite of clear sky reports to the contrary. Because of this year’s cold weather in the Florida Keys, many amateur astronomers had left, giving those of us remaining, the pick of the places to set up our telescopes. Actually, because it was so windy, the most sheltered spots were the best. And, to tell you the truth, many of us spent much of the night visiting with each other knowing that we wouldn’t see each other until next year. I feel happy to be part of this group. And, since I had the digital photos of the Galactic Center that I had came to take, it was easy to relax and reminisce about the week. I will be using the photos in my movie investigating the 2012 phenomenon.

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2012 Galactic Center Photos

I am happy to say that I managed to get two wonderful photographs of the Galactic Center a couple of mornings ago, here in the Florida Keys. The weather for this year’s Winter Star Party has not been easy. Many nights, the skies are clouded over. However, on two nights, which also happened to be bitterly cold and windy, we had clear skies right to the horizon! Usually, the night sky over the horizon is hazy because of the surrounding water.
Fantastic! Especially since the Galactic Center rises out of the ocean on the southeast horizon at about 5:00 a.m. Unfortunatley, a sliver of the old moon was rising just behind the Galactic Center. Nevertheless, with my trusty Nikon set to take 30 second exposures, I did get both a horizontal and vertical image that, with Nikon’s Capture NX2 software, I was able to resolve a great photograph of the star constellations of Sagittarius and Scorpio surrouding the Galactic Center. Many people believe that the line up of the earth and sun with the Galactic Center herald a new world on December 21, 2012.

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Yucatan, One of Top Three Spiritual Travel Destinations

I like this excerpt because it implies that Yucatan is one of the top three destinations for spiritual travel, on a level with the Vatican and Egypt:

“In these modern times, traveling for spiritual reasons has become more popular and there are numerous options to choose from that include going to places other than Yucatan, the Vatican and also Egypt.”

You Get the Gist of It: Transforming Lives Through Knowledge

As director of the Yucatan Travel Movie, I feel encouraged for the movie’s success.

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Lord of the Rings Past Lives

I saw Peter Jackson’s marvelous Lord of the Rings, Return of the King, again last night and wondered how much of our resonance with the J.R.R. Tolkien story comes from past life memories of our time during the Middle Ages. But also, with the immortal elves and the evil orcs, I wonder if our fascination with the Trilogy of the Rings harkens even further back to the time when we were immortal, during the time before death when we were in Atlantis.

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