Orb Pictures: Ghosts, Energies, or Dust?
Here is a lovely photograph of orbs emailed to me by Cynthia Joy Hastings who is a friend and also a reader of my newsletters.
She took this photograph, which is one of a number of orb pictures, on a clear evening in southeastern Virginia after it snowed.
In a previous post I had mentioned that I had had lunch with a group of friends and we had discussed those mysteries glowing orbs that turn up in photographs. A couple of the people at the luncheon said they had taken photographs of orbs. This is one of them.
I’ve enlarged a segment in the upper right corner of the photograph, which shows more detail of the orb.
I am impressed that the orbs have such definite outlines which I wouldn’t expect if they were dust as some people say they are.
In one article I read, the writer said that some people believe the orbs are caused by a phenomenon in digital cameras. However, the writer pointed out that if it was a digital phenomenon, the anomaly would be square shaped like a pixel and opaque. These, as you can see in the enlarged section are translucent.
What do you think these glowing orbs are? Some people think they are angels, a reader wrote to say she thought they were spirit energies, another wrote to say they turn up in her photographs during celebrations, some believe they are ghosts.
What do you think?
Orbs Picture
by Cynthia Joy Hastings
Enlargement of an Orb in the Upper Right Corner
of the Photograph Above
Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chapman