Atlantis and the Flood in the History of Geology
Here’s a neat online article on the History of Geology website. The following quote is extracted from David Bressan‘s From Contractional theory to modern geology. It is a theory explaining the location of the lost continent of Atlantis.
Already after the first maps of the American continent were published (1507 and after) and become public, the similarity between the coast of Africa and America intrigued geographers and naturalists, and this fascination continued in the following centuries. In 1620 the English philosopher Francis Bacon noted the jigsaw form in his “Novum Organum” and claimed that “it’s more then a curiosity”, and 38 years later the munch Francois Placet published a small booklet entitled “The break up of large and small world’s, as being demonstrated that America was connected before the flood with the other parts of the world.” He argued that the two continents were once connected by the lost continent of “Atlantis”, and the sin flood beaked them apart.
The idea of the biblical flood explaining the shape of earth remained popular for the next 250 years.
This is a great site with great information and lovely illustrations. Check it out.