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Could the harbor of ancient Carthage been a harbor of Atlantis?

Ruins of ancient Carthage

Ruins of the ancient city of Carthage, Tunisia , by Patrick Giraud, 8 Sep. 2006, Wikipedia Commons

According to “modern-day Indian Jones” David Hatcher Childress, the harbor of ancient Carthage resembled the harbor of the capital of the mythical lost city of Atlantis. We know the description of the Atlantean harbor from Plato’s  Timaeus/Critias.  Carthage, ancient and modern-day city with a population of about 20,000, is situated on the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea in Tunisia on the northern end of the Sahara Desert.

Two large, artificial harbors were built within the city, one for harboring the city’s massive navy of 220 warships and the other for mercantile trade. A walled tower overlooked both harbours.


Childress had said that the Sahara Desert is a possible location of the mythical Atlantis, especially considering that the harbor of ancient Carthage resembled that of Atlantis. Nonetheless, it doesn’t seem possible , that ancient Carthage could have been associated with Atlantis, considering that the Sahara desert is a desert and Atlantis was a huge island/continent.

However, Carthage is along the Sahara and the Sahara is a dried seabed. Here’s a possible scenario: Atlantis plunged into the sea around 9,000 B.C. Underwater, the ruins of Atlantis became a seabed. When the land rose, the seabed dried and became the Sahara Desert.

I know it’s a long shot, but, when was the Sahara a seabed? After Atlantis plunged into the sea? It deserves further research, doesn’t it?

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Atlantis in the Sahara desert?

Mt. Tahat, Hoggar, Algeria could have been the location of Atlantis. Photo by Olivier Maurice. Public Domain

Mt. Tahat, Hoggar, Algeria could have been the location of Atlantis. Photo by Olivier Maurice. Public Domain

“Real-life Indiana Jones” David Hatcher Childress proposes that Atlantis may have been in the Sahara Desert. He says that “usually the Tassili and Ahaggar Mountains in southern Algeria, Tunisia or both, “are the locations in the Sahara desert chosen as likely locations of Atlantis. 

“When the French colonized North Africa they soon discovered a lost world existed in southern Algeria and that the ancient harbor of Carthage was an exact miniature of the capital of Atlantis as described by the Egyptian priests…”

Top 10 Possible Locations for Atlantis

Unlike Atlantis which was supposed to have been destroyed by inundations of water and earthquakes, the Sahara is supposed to be a dried up seabed. Nonetheless, an interesting theory.

However, I find it fascinating that the ancient Carthaginian harbor was a miniature of the harbor of Atlantis, I assume, with concentric circles of canals. Could ancient Carthage have been a colony designed as a replica of the original?


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