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Book ‘Em Fall Foliage Colors

I am excited about participating in the Book ‘Em Book Fair in Waynesboro, Virginia this Saturday, October 16th, because, according to the Fall Foliage Color map at weather.com, Waynesboro appears to be on the border between “Patchy” and “Near Peak.” Here’s hoping that there will be a beautiful display in the higher elevations. It could be a gorgeous drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

At Book ‘Em, I will be speaking on “2012 and the End of the World,” and in a panel discussion on “How did these 4 authors authors find inspiration for their book?”

Here’s a photograph of October 9th, 2010 – last weekend’s – Fall Foliage Race in Waynesboro. From the photo, you can see that there were some fall colors last weekend. This weekend, at Book ‘Em, there should be more!

Fall Foliage Race on October 9th, 2010 in Waynesboro, Virginia

Lovely reds and golds make a show at Waynesboro, Virginia's 34th Fall Foliage Race on October 9th, 2010

Carol Chapman
author of When We Were Gods
and Arrival of the Gods in Egypt

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Eek! Today is 10 10 10!

What does it mean? October 10, 2010? 10 10 10?

The Chinese are especially aware of special dates. It turns out that 10-10-10 is an especially auspicious date for marriage for the Chinese. In an online article entitled, Be Careful about Meaning 10 10 10, I learned that even though it is a Sunday, the marriage registrars’ offices throughout China will open early in an attempt to handle the tidal wave of marriage registrants expected on 10-10-10. Speaking of tidal waves, the article also says that there is also a negative side of 10-10-10 in the Chinese way of looking at numbers having to do with water. And, perhaps not coincidentally, China is presently dealing with a lot of flash floods and resultant landslides.

In another online article entitled, Is There Symbolic Meaning to the Date 10 10 10? Part 2, by intuitive Estee Taschereau, I learned that in classic numerology the number 10 is a number of completion. She also mentions the Biblical reference to the number 10 as usually having to do with rules and judgments such as the 10 Commandments and the 10 Plagues.

For a listing of celebrities celebrating birthdays on 10 10 10 click here.

Does 10/10/10 have anything to do with 12 21 2012? I doubt it. But, if you want to know more about 2012 predictions, I’ll be speaking at Book ‘Em next Saturday, October 16th at Waynesboro, Virginia on 2012 and the End of the World.

Carol Chapman
author of When We Were Gods
Arrival of the Gods in Egypt

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A New World after 2011

Interestingly, I talked about a new world beginning in 2012 long before the present craze, in 1995. At the time, the date seemed so far in the future.

I had gone to a hypnotherapist. During past life regression, I had a vision in which I said that our present troubles would fall away and a new world would begin after 2011.

The full story is in my book, When We Were Gods.

I will be speaking about 2012 and the End of the World at Book ‘Em next Saturday, October 16th in Waynesboro, Virginia.

by Carol Chapman

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Yucatan Traveler Carol Chapman will speak on 2012

Carol Chapman will be at the Book ‘Em book fair in Waynesboro, Virginia on Saturday, October 16th. Here’s my Book ‘Em listing:

New Age author Carol Chapman has travelled four times to the Yucatan and once to Egypt. She searched for indications that Atlanteans traveled to these places. Both her past life memories and the psychic readings of the American seer Edgar Cayce served as her guidelines. She wrote of her adventures in When We Were Gods, and Arrival of the Gods in Egypt. She is also a filmmaker of travel documentaries such as Yucatan Travel: Cancun to Chichen Itza.

Carol Chapman, while filming,  at the Mayan Ruins in Tulum, Yucatan

Carol Chapman at the Mayan Ruins in Tulum, Yucatan

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Carol Chapman at Book ‘Em on Saturday, October 16th

Have you seen television documentaries on 2012? I have seen a few and am surprised that they included 2012 predictions from Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, and the Bible? Do you find that surprising? If so, why?

I will be speaking on “2012 and the End of the World” at the Book ‘Em Book Fair in Waynesboro, Virginia on Saturday, October 16th.

Carol Chapman

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Carol Chapman Event: 2012 and the End of the World

Here’s a description of my up-coming talk at Book ‘Em Waynesboro, Virginia, on October 16th.

2012 and the End of the World

by Carol Chapman

The media buzzes with 2012 and the end of the world. A “2012” Google search brought up 353 million listings! After seeing the 2012 movie, some people wondered about euthanizing their pets before the fatal date. What is going on! Will the world really end on December 21, 2012? This prediction is based on ancient Maya prophecies. While in Yucatan researching my books, When We Were Gods and Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, as well as filming my documentary, Yucatan Travel: Cancun to Chichen Itza, I interviewed Maya people, including shamans. Come out to my talk and find out what the Maya really have to say about 2012 and the end of the world.

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Planet X: Nibiru or Niburu?

Here’s a great article that puts together a lot of the information on Nibiru . . . or is it Niburu? The article, As 2012 comes near, Planet X theory thrives, explains them both. Nibiru is supposed to be Planet X (X for 10), the undiscovered planet that is supposed to be causing anomalies in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. According to some, Nibiru is supposed to arrive in 2012 and bring about the predicted end of the world.

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The Anna Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull

A number of years ago, when I lived in Scottsdale, Arizona, Anna Mitchell-Hedges brought the famous Crystal Skull to a showing open to the public. I went to that event and touched the amazing skull. It looked just like a skeleton . . . perfectly so . . . except it was made of what appeared to be glass. It’s made of quartz, of course.

Here is an excerpt from an excellent article on the Mitchelle-Hedges Crystal Skull.

Researchers found that the skull had been carved against the natural axis of the crystal. Modern crystal sculptors always take into account the axis, or orientation of the crystal’s molecular symmetry, because if they carve “against the grain,” the piece is bound to shatter — even with the use of lasers and other high-tech cutting methods.

The Crystal Skull of Belize

The article goes on to connect 13 skulls with the 2012 end of the world prophecies.

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Guatemalan Mayan Priests Comment on New Age 2012 Prophecies

How unusual! How delightful!

Following, please find a reference to the opinions of actual living Mayan priests in Guatemala on New Agers’ 2012 predictions which, according to this quote the priests call, “twaddle.” Read for yourself:

However, Mayan priests living and working in Guatemala aver that the so-called Mayan Prophecy for 2012, as touted by various foreign New Agers who have no knowledge of Mayan culture, language, or religion, is twaddle.

2012 Doomsday

I don’t know who the author of the article is or whether this quote is authentic. But, I enjoy including it as a balance for all the wild extravagant claims of either utopia or annihilation by numerous New Age authors.

Twaddle” is a nice amusing word for taking the wind out of extravagant claims.

Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chapman
All Rights Reserved

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