While filming the Yucatan Travel Movie: Cancun to Chichen Itza, I wondered what the Maya had to say about 2012. After all, it is a Mayan prophecy that originated all the ruckus about December 21, 2012. Therefore, while shooting video footage for the movie, I also interviewed every-day Maya and Mayan shamans. These interviews became the nucleus of my upcoming presentation for the Edgar Cayce Forum on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
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I’ll be speaking at the Edgar Cayce Forum on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The topic:
The Tampa airport articles in which a runway has to be closed so that compass directional signs need to be revised agree with Charles H. Hapgood‘s book The Path of the Pole. They both say that the magnetic north pole is shifting westward. In the articles, the magnetic north pole is described as shifting westward from northern Canada towards Siberia in Russia.
I’ve heard some people voicing their fears that because the magnetic poles are shifting faster recently, this might represent earth changes connected with prophecies about the end of the world on December 21, 2012. However, since Hapgood’s book was published in the 1970s, before the 2012 furor, and since his book has maps showing actual reversals of the magnetic poles in the past, it appears that pole shift is a normal earth phenomenon.
The Tampa articles describe magnetic pole shift as being associated with a floating molten iron core in the earth’s center.
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The 1970 book, The Path of the Pole, by history professor Charles H. Hapgood includes maps of the earth showing the many locations of previous north and south poles based on the geological study of rocks. Therefore, it would seem that recent articles about the shifting magnetic pole, and how the shift has lead to the Tampa airport having to close a runway for a couple of weeks to revise that runway’s signs of compass headings, is not a recent phenomenon and therefore a non-2012 event.
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According to Charles H. Hapgood, in his The Path of the Pole, the magnetic field of the earth is in constant motion. It always drifts westward, as is the magnetic north pole described in articles about the closing of the Tampa airport runway. Hapgood assumes that the magnetic poles eventually come back to its original position, in line with the earth’s axis of rotation.
There are magnetic poles and geographical poles. They are seldom in the same place.
Is the present pole shift unusual? Will the poles reverse? Are we in the time before the 2012 cataclysm?
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The recent articles on the Tampa airport needed to change their runway signs because of the magnetic pole shift leads a person to wonder: Could the present shift in the poles be connected with the 2012 phenomenon in which some people think that with the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar on December 21, 2012, the world will also end.
According to a Mail Online article:
This could mean that prior to 1904 instruments had not yet been invented that could measure pole shift and that the poles had always been shifting. Therefore, if magnetic pole shift has occurred over the centuries and millennia, it would mean that it would not be associated with the 2012 phenomenon.
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Tampa International Airport has had to close its main runway for about a week because the compass directions painted on their main runway need to be changed.
The magnetic north pole, which is in the Canadian Arctic, is moving at the rate of 40 miles a year toward Russia. As a result, the compass headings on airport runways eventually do not represent the correct direction and the new compass directions are painted over the old ones.
Some people who think the shifting of the magnetic poles represents the end of the world associated with the upcoming end of the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012.
The movement of iron in the molten earth’s core causes the shift of the earth’s magnetic poles. This has been going on long into our past. Because of the changes in the earth’s magnetic poles, airports regularly change the compass headings painted on their runways.
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I’m happy that I’m working to making my book, When We Were Gods an amazon Kindle. I’m especially happy because I will be able to categorize it as a 2012 prophecy book in the description.
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As I said yesterday, the Astro America website has a page on 2012 Doomsday Prophecies, including a list of books on the astrology aspects of 2012 prophecies.
David R. Roell, who represents Astro America ssuggests that “Before you get sucked up into this [2012] malestrom” consider that as far back as recorded history, there has never been an end of the world, not even on the August 13, 3114 B.C. date generally considered the start of the Mayan calendar.
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While buying my Jim Maynard’s Pocket Astrologer, I scouted around the Astro American website and found, to my surprise, a commentary on 2012. Interested in reading a view of the December 21, 2012 date and Mayan prophecy, I digested the article. However, I felt disappointment to find merely opinions on 2012 – and that the end of the world could not possibly happen. Not for astrological reasons, but for logical reasons. On retrospect, the article was interesting and brought up points I hadn’t thought about or read before.
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