Mercury Retrograde less than 12 hours away!
So, I tried to get all my Christmas Cards written and sent but just didn’t get them all done. However, I did manage quite a few. And now, in spite of my best efforts, Mercury Retrograde is almost upon us. Here is some advise from a wonderful long article MERCURY RETROGRADE, 10 to 30 December, 2010 by Sharita Star at Astro Dispatch on what to expect and how best to handle the Mercury Retrograde period from December 10th to 30th:
With Capricorn being the sign of reverence, conservation, caution, and ambition these are the virtues we are meant to adhere to the most as we gravitate to the actions of: REdoing, REassessing, REading, REvisiting, REjoicing, REaligning, REsting, REviewing, and by all means RELAXING! Once back in Sagittarius upon 18 December, our sense of perspective, honesty, optimism, and expansion urge our attention for those RE’s to unfold upon.
Furthering upon the caution, REsponding vs. REacting is the key to finding reward during this passage. There will be buzzes of changes that will undoubtedly occur while this Retrograde plays out. While we are wise to avoid important decisions and initiations at this time, our activity and behavior while in reassessment is imperative.
Look to the 05 deg Capricorn to 19 degree Sagittarius piece of your personal Zodiac Pie to see where reflection urges to find you under this upcoming passage. Remember as well…
The DO’s & DON’TS of Mercury REtrograde…
REmain Calm!
Expect CHANGE: in travel, routines, & schedules to occur suddenly
Give yourself extra time to get where you’re going
Spend time in the RE’s: Relax, Revisit, Reflect, Redo, REcharge!
Gravitate to REsponding vs. REacting!
“Freak out” when changes come up
Rush: speaking, driving, doing anything!
Sign important documents
Initiate anything new
Keep in mind, those events and situations that have occurred since 22 November- fall under the approach of this REtrograde. We tend to start to see the things that will undergo reassessment emerge over these couple weeks, in the specific areas of your life noted above. Equally before the shadow completes upon 17 January 2011, you will see further opportunities for final adjustments that need to be made from all action occurring within the retrograde period.