More Mayan Long Count Calendar Confusions
In a previous post I mentioned that the end date of the Mayan Long Count Calendar has changed over the years as researchers have improved their ability to translate the glyphs that make up the Mayan written language.
Today, many of the mysteries of the glyphs have now been revealed by such brilliant thinkers as Yuri Knorosov, a Russian linguist, and David Stuart, an American Mayanist who began deciphering Mayan script at the age of eight while on archeological excavations in Yucatan with his parents George and Gene Stuart, National Geographic researchers.
Nonetheless, there are still discrepancies in the dates authors believe are important according to the Mayan calendar. For example, Swedish researcher Carl Johann Calleman Ph. D., believes that personal spiritual awakenings will have to be initiated by October 28, 2011 because enlightenment will not be possible after that date.
Drunvalo Melchizedek, author of Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012, says that in his personal experience with the Maya, he has discovered that they believe the important date is not December 21, 2012, but February 19, 2013.
Isn’t Melchizedek the fellow Bob Frissell mentions in Nothing in This Book is True But It’s Exactly How Things Are as revealing that extraterrestrial aliens kept the earth from being destroyed by powerful solar radiation in August 1972 by surrounding the earth with a protective field in the shape of a three-dimensional Mer-ca-ba?
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