Are Orbs Plasma Lifeforms of the Deceased?
I came across this very comprehensive article on scientific advances in studying plasma, which can behave in a life-light manner.
According to the article,metaphysicians believe that genuine orbs, which are made of plasma, are the “astral” body of a deceased person.
“According to plasma metaphysics, (genuine) orbs are the physical-etheric nuclei that are released from dying persons. Most of these nuclei exit-out of our universe through vortexes after the death of the higher physical-etheric body and are absorbed into the next higher energy body in the next universe – most frequently what metaphysicists describe as the “astral body” and the “astral plane or sphere”. However, some stay behind because of unfinished business or some psychological attachment to the physical life that just ended. These are the (genuine) orbs that we see in photographs and videos. This conclusion is consistent with the theory of some paranormal investigators that spirits may find it easier to travel from one dimension to another in the form of orbs which can move more easily (than full-blown subtle bodies) through vortexes to another universe.”
Plasma Life Forms – Spheres, Blobs, Orbs and Subtle Bodies
According to this very long, detailed, full-of-information article, “genuine” orbs, in comparison with camera effects of light and dust or water droplets, can have a double outer membrane similar to the skin around an onion.
Take a look at these photographs submitted to me by Zihna Jones in Wisconsin and posted on this blog on January 26, 2009 in an article entitled, Fantastic Orbs Photos Include Orange and Golden Orbs!
In the close-up, below, of two of the orbs in the above photograph, you can see the “onion-like architecture” of the larger orb.
If you want to get a better look at the concentric spheres inside the orbs in the close-up photo below, you will have to go to the original post at (just click on this link and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the post the link takes you to) Fantastic Orbs Photos Include Golden and Orange Orbs .
I highly recommend the Plasma Life Forms – Spheres, Blobs, Orbs and Subtle Bodies article for its detailed descriptions of many phenomenon associated with plasma from scientific experiments to ghost hunters to metaphysical views. However, I wish it had a definition of plasma because, although everything sounds great in the article, I don’t have an idea just what plasma is.