Amateur Astronomers help to find a new planet. Is it Nibiru?

New planet discovered 15,000 light years from earth Photo from online Astrobiology Magazine
I’ve been discussing the fears that there may be a conspiracy to keep secret the arrival of a new planet called Nibiru that is somehow going to cause the end of the world on December 21, 2012.
NASA Astrobiologist David Morrison says he doesn’t know an astronomer, professional or amateur, who could be made to keep silent about something as exciting as finding a new planet.
For example, two amateur astronomers in New Zealand helped professional astronomers at Ohio State University to discover a new planet far, far away from our solar system. The new planet is 15,000 light years away, which means that it takes light 15,000 years to travel from the new planet to here. As a comparison it takes only 8 minutes for light to travel from our sun to here. Even if this new planet was on its way to earth, it would take it longer than 15,000 years to get here since a planet travels much slower than light.
And because two amateur astronomers in New Zealand helped detect the planet using only their backyard telescopes, the find suggests that anyone can become a planet hunter.
By the way, this is not the legendary perhaps fictional Nibiru since Nibiru is supposed to be close to or within our solar system.