Mercury Retrograde compels us to revise … and revise again
Another excerpt from an article, this one from Alpha Life Trends, on Mercury Retrograde. The 4th Mercury Retrograde of 2010 will begin December 10th with Mercury in the earthy, business-oriented Capricorn, retrograding to the philosophical outdoorsy Sagittarius.
Because Mercury itself rules how we think, we will be adjusting everything related to thoughts, concepts, ideas, and communication, especially how technology and material elements play a part in the physical manifestation of ideas. When Mercury retrogrades, we find that many parts of our life are being revised. Often these revisions can be a surprise or throw us back a step. However, these revisions which occur during a Mercury retrograde, are a “course correction” and provide a stop gap measure until we can review situations. During this time of revision, change is compounded and confusion is created by our reactions to the ever-changing situations. Thus anything started during this time will ultimately be taken back or even revised further, making for a high-frustration time. This will be especially true with changing our minds, reviewing new ideas and our communication being improved and honed so not to be mis-understood.
I provided the highlighting in the quote above to emphasize this sentence to myself. I don’t want to get myself in trouble by wearing myself out trying to get something right when it won’t get right until after the Mercury Retrograde period.